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Table 1 Monstic principles for allocating scarce resources.

From: Allocating scarce medical resources during armed conflict: ethical issues

Allocation principle



Examples of use

Treating people equally


Hard to corrupt; little information about recipients needed

Ignores other relevant principles

Military draft; schools; vaccination

 First-come, first-served

Protects existing doctor-patient relationships; little information about recipients needed

Favors wealthy; powerful, and well-connected; ignores other relevant principles

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds; part of organ allocation

Favoring the worst-off: prioritiarianism

 Sickest first

Aids those who are suffering right now; appeals to “rule of rescue”; makes sense in temporary scarcity; proxy for being worst off overall

Surreptitious use of prognosis; ignores needs of those who will become sick in future; might falsely assume temporary scarcity; leads people receiving interventions only after prognosis deteriorates; ignores other relevant principles

Emergency rooms; part of organ allocation

 Youngest first

Benefits those who have had least life; prudent planners have an interest in living to old age

Undesirable priority to infants over adolescent and young adults; ignores other relevant principles

New National Vaccine Advisory Committee/Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (NVAC/ACIP) pandemic flu vaccine proposal

Maximizing total benefit: utilitarianism

 Number of lives saved

Saves more lives, benefiting the greatest number; avoids need for comparative judgments about quality or other aspects of lives

Ignores other relevant principles

Past ACIP/NVAC pandemic flu vaccine; bioterrorism response policy; disaster triage

 Prognosis or life-years saved

Maximizes life-years produced

Ignores other relevant principles, particularly distribute principles

Penicillin allocation; traditional military triage (prognosis) and disaster triage (life-years saved)

Promoting and rewarding social usefulness

 Instrumental value

Helps promote other important values; future oriented

Vulnerable to abuse through choice of prioritized occupations or activities; can direct resources away from health needs

Past and current NVAC/ACIP pandemic flu vaccine policy


Rewards those who implemented important values; past oriented

Vulnerable to abuse; can direct health consequences; intrusive assessment process

Some organ donation polices